I cant / I can’t

After Christmas, the children of the 3rd grade have been studying the grammatical structure “I CAN” (jo sé fer) and “I CAN’T” (jo no sé fer).
Last week we created all together a game called ” I CAN  /  I CAN’T “. As you can see there are three columns with the following information:
– Number 1 is for the name and picture of the child;
– Number 2 is for the activities the child CAN DO;
– Number 3 is for the activities the child CAN’T DO;
The game instructions are the following:
 1. You think about one child;
2. You describe “I CAN” of that child;
3. You describe the “I CAN’T” of that child;
4. The children have to guess who it is.

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