The game of crazy combinations!

Hi there!
We have discovered a new game for our speaking sessions, and we are enjoying so much! We recommend it to you all!
Can you make crazy combinations? Do you think that is silly? Apples to apples!

Música 5è – Avaluació de flauta

Les cosetes que haurem de saber tocar seran les següents:
–La flor de la Cantuta:
-L’escala musical que estem practicant aquests dies
-I “Quan les oques van al camp”:

Trick or treat?

It’s Halloween time and here you have a funny video to watch about that scary holiday!

This episode is one of the Mr Bean’s cartoon compilation. Who is Mr Bean? He is a famous character on TV. He is a funny person, who doesn’t speak when… Llegeix més»

Sofa, film & blanket!

Hi there Cicle Superior Pupils!
We have 4 fantastic free days, and your English teacher thought that it would be a really good idea if you enjoy family time watching a film… in ENGLISH!
You can choose the film, it has to be appropriate for your age… Llegeix més»

Música 5è – Ball de bastons

Per a la Castanyada, els nens i nenes de 5è farem uns balls tradicionals de bastons. Si voleu practicar una miqueta, aquí us deixem un material útil.
Aquests alumnes ho fan fantàsticament bé:

Aquí teniu un vídeo amb l’àudio net, només:

I com a novetat d’aquest any, potser… Llegeix més»