Cultural exchange with Finland

It’s some weeks that 6th graders are working on a project with some Finnish students from Jyväskylä. We have shared interesting things about our schools such as timetables, subjects, different classrooms, school food and clus, weather, etc. and we even learnt some Finnish!

Today we had a video call and we met and interacted! It was great fun to use English in real-life situations!



Com cada any, avui hem rebut una companyia de teatre en anglès a l’escola. Tot l’alumnat de primària ha gaudit d’una obra i ha estat un moment per practicar la comunicació oral tot interrelacionant amb els artistes. Tots i totes han passat una bona estona!


Children in first and second grade had a good time drawing and colouring Easter bunnies. Take a look at their great and funny works. Happy Easter everybody!


El Nadal ja és aquí i al cicle inicial hem volgut saber com es diu “Bon Nadal!” en altres idiomes. I ho hem preguntat als companys i companyes que parlen una altra llengua a casa seva. Ho hem sentit en rus, japonès, italià, coreà, romanès… Llegeix més»


Hello Koalas and Cheetahs!
How are you?
Today you have a video with Steve and Maggie. Steve is travelling and he’s going to have a big surprise!

This is a website where you can find a beautiful mandala to download called
“Tutto andrà bene.
Everything will be ok.
Tot anirà bé.
Todo… Llegeix més»


Hello Koalas, Cheetahs, Toucans and Lynx!!
How are you?
I feel happy to be with you again! 😀 So, here you have a song to start the day with a BIG SMILE:
Rise up children,
It’s a wonderful world and a beautiful day!

Can you draw your favourite part of… Llegeix més»


Hello Toucans and Lynx!
How are you?
Today I have a hand clapping rhyme for you:
Tic Tac Toe
Give me an X, give me an O
Give a three-in-a-row
Ready, Steady, Go!

You can practice with your family!
And since Easter is coming, why don’t you try colouring eggs? Here you have… Llegeix més»