Com ja sabeu, estem treballant el tema de les dents. Per adonar-nos de com afecten alguns aliments a les nostres dents i de la importància que té raspallar-nos-les cada dia, hem realitzat un experiment amb ous blancs, que simulaven les dents, llet i coca-cola. Ahir vam introduir un ou dins un got transparent ple de llet i un altre ou dins un got, també transparent, ple de coca-cola i vam anar fent hipòtesis del què passaria amb cadascun dels ous: “Explotaran!”, “Es quedaran igual!”, “Canviaran de color!”, “Sortiran pollets!”, …

Avui hem pogut comprovar que…. (Si voleu saber els resultats cliqueu a sota).


American Carnival

This Carnival, I was more than surprised and enjoyed all the costumes and performances from the students, as it was my first time celebrating this holiday. Below are some pictures of students from 3rd – 6th grade that had some U.S.A. cultural influences in both… Llegeix més»

4th Grade State Project

Hello Parents of Flama,
I have enjoyed teaching, sharing and creating a small state project with 4th grade this past month. Both 4th grade classes have learned a little bit about a different state in the United States.
On the West coast, California ( my home state)… Llegeix més»