The verb to be (was / were)

The verb “to be” is irregular in the Simple Past. Unlike other irregular verbs, there are two Simple Past forms: “was” and “were.” It also has different question forms and negative forms.

Attention! Always remember that you DO NOT use “did” with the verb “be” in the Simple Past.

verb to be


Was/were song

Now you can practice with was and were while singing at the same time!! Isn’t it cool!? 🙂

Explanation with examples

A little bit of conversation practice


Here you have all the extra sheets we’ve done at class:

Online activities

1. Choose was or were (very easy)

2. Choose was or were.  (1 easy)

3. Choose was or were.  (easy)

4. Choose was or were: exercise 1, exercise 2, exercise 3exercise 4exercise 5exercise 6 and exercise 7.

5. Choose was not or were not (easy)

6. Choose wasn’t or weren’t (medium level)

7. Choose was or were (medium level)

8. Write was or were

9. Pronouns + was or were

10. Present and past (medium level)

11. Present and past (high level)

12. Questions 

13. Questions (medium level), (high level)

14. Game

15. Game

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