Presentació projecte Erasmus+ a l’Escola Circell de Moja

Dimecres passat, dia 25 de gener, vam anar a l’escola Circell de Moja, a explicar el nostre projecte Erasmus+ “Learning with the Arts” i el que implica l’organtizació i participació en trobades internacionals.  L’Escola Circell de Moja ha començat aquest curs un projecte Erasmus+ i s’estan preparant per a la seva primera trobada internacional.  Els seus alumnes de cicle superior ens van fer arribar les seves preguntes, i a partir d’aquí vam estructurar la nostra presentació.

Van participar en aquesta xerrada quatre alumnes de sisè (l’Abril, la Cristina, la Mar i el Roger) i tres alumnes de 1r d’ESO (l’Arnau, la Foix i la Joanna) que van participar a les trobades a Finlàndia i Polònia el curs passat.  S’ho van preparar molt bé, i entre tots van respondre les preguntes que ens havien fet arribar respecte el que implica participar en una trobada Erasmus.

Tant l’alumnat com el professorat de l’escola de Moja ens va acollir molt bé, i tots vam gaudir d’aquesta activitat!


Our neighbour school, ESC Circell in Moja, asked us to visit their school with some of our students in order to explain to their 5th and 6th graders what taking part in Learning meetings mean.  ESC Circell have just started a KA2 project this year, they are preparing their first mobility.  Their 5th and 6th graders had many questions, they wrote them and sent them to us.

We proposed to take part in this presentations to four of our 6th graders (Abril, Roger, Cristina and Mar), and to three of our former students, who are now studying in secondary school, and who take part in our meetings in Finland and Poland last year (Foix, Joanna and Arnau).  They were all really happy to present our project and to answer their questions.

Our colleagues at ESC Circell gave us a really warm welcome.  We all enjoyed this dissemination activity!

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