6th level prepared the clues for the Easter egg hunt for 3th and 4th level.

We wrote the clues on different colour paper and decorated them.

We hid the clues in the playground.

We explained 3th and 4th level the rules. The rules were: don’t run, walk, and stay together as a group, listen the 6th level students and the teacher.

After we explained the rules the Easter egg hunt began.

The children had to solve the clues and and find the basket with the easter eggs.

This is a clue that is in on a carrot in the vegetable garden.

This is a clue that is in the hut.

In this moment one person of 6th was explaining what they have to do.

This was the present when the children finished the game, the present was in the chicken house.

This was a clue that was in the climbing frame.