Healthy Pancakes recipe

3ALTIS love cooking! We have got eggs from our hens and we know that there are a lot of recipes with this food. That is the reason why we decided to do a traditional recipe from English speaking countries: PANCAKES. In this case, we prepare them without sugar or flour, using banana and oatmeal. They are delicious and healthier than the traditional ones. You can prepare them easily and fast.

Enjoy your meal!

Visita al CosmoCaixa

Els Baltis de 3r i 4t ens hem endinsat en la descoberta de l’Univers. Ja n’hem descoberts moltíssimes coses: satèl·lits, planetes, constel·lacions, forats negres…
Per tal de comprovar i verificat tot allò que hem anat investigant hem visitat el Planetari del CosmoCaixa a Barcelona.

Ens ha encantat! Podeu veure totes les imatges a les promocions corresponents.

Promoció 2014