Aquest 1 de desembre iniciem, per segon any, el projecte d’auxiliar de conversa en anglès patrocinat per l’Ajuntament de Castellar. A la nostra escola s’ha incorporat la Karina. Dedicarà 18 hores setmanals als  infants de P3 a sisè. Els docents també farem una sessió de formació d’una hora trenta.
La Karina es presenta,
Hello, my name is Karina. I come from England, but I was born in Russia. I will be working as an English teacher assistant in Sant Esteve school during this course.
In nursery I’ll be coming to the children’ usual lessons and I’ll be speaking English with them about what they are doing at that moment in class. I’m also going to be speaking and playing with the children during play time in English.
In primary school I will be sharing classes with the school English teachers.
The main objective will be to encourage as much as possible the children and the teachers to have a go at speaking English.
I really hope that you’ll find this project useful.
See you at school,

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