
We are thrilled to present our school’s European internationalization project: English is our superpower! SEPIE (Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education) has selected and approved it. Our project is part of the Erasmus+ short-term mobility – KA122-SCH.

This project aims to work with different European Union schools and to finance an observation stay in a primary education school in Italy in the next school year 23-24. The main objectives of this project are:

1) Implement innovative and inclusive methodologies with a project-based communicative approach for our English classes.

2) Improve the English language and cultural competence of all our students.

In addition, this European program is a great opportunity to internationalize our schools in Europe through exchanges with European schools to improve our educational practice.


Visitem una escola italiana

Aquesta setmana, una mestra de la nostra escola es troba a Alvignano, una població a la regió de Campania, al sud d’Itàlia. Durant aquesta estada, està duent-se a terme un programa d’observació per conèixer el seu sistema educatiu, així com les seves similituds i diferències… Llegeix més»

Jornades Erasmus+ KA122

La nostra escola ha assistit a les jornades d’Erasmus+ d’iniciació dels projectes KA122 que s’han celebrat a l’Universitat de Castilla la Mancha a Toledo.
Us recordem que la nostra sol.licitud (English is our superpower) va ser aprovada el passat estiu per part del SEPIE (Servicio Español… Llegeix més»