Lazy Jack. Teatre en anglès 4art, 5è i 6è

The students from 4th, 5th and 6th grade went to the theatre of Centre Cívic Zona Nord to watch a play in English performed by The Tale Teller company. The title of the play was “Lazy Jack”. We enjoyed it a lot and had the opportunity to participate and interact with the actress and had a lot of fun, as you can see in the images!

Els alumnes de 4t, 5è i 6è de l’escola van anar al teatre del Centre Cívic Zona Nord a veure l’obra de teatre en anglès representada per la companyia “The Tale Teller”. El títol de l’obra era “Lazy Jack”. Vam gaudir-ne i vam tenir l’oportunitat de participar i d’interactuar amb l’artista i de passar-nos-ho molt bé,  tal com podeu veure a les fotografies!


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