ENGLISH – CICLE MITJÀ – 14th to 19th April

Hello girls and boys!

I hope everything is going well! I have some fun activities for this week to learn vocabulary about the FAMILY!!! – Espero que tot vagi molt bé. Tinc algunes propostes divertides per aquesta setmana per aprendre vocabulari de la família.-


Activity 1: Video “Family members tree”.

Watch the video and learn the family members. Click the image.


Activity 2: Worksheet “The Simpsons”.

Do you know Maggie family? Try to choose the correct answer. Click the image.



Activity 3: Games “family vocabulary”.

Here you have some interactive games to play and learn the family members. Click the image and enjoy!


You can send me your pictures doing the activities to patriciagil@emarquina.cat. –Podeu enviar-me fotos fent les propostes a patriciagil@emarquina.cat.-


Have fun and enjoy!

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