ENGLISH – INFANTIL – 14th to 19th April

Hello girls and boys!

I hope everything is going well! I have some fun activities for this week to learn COLOURS!!! (Espero que tot vagi molt bé. Tinc algunes propostes divertides per aquesta setmana per aprendre els colors).


Activity 1: Song “What colour is the sky?”.

Sing and learn some colours with this song. Click on the image. – Canta i aprèn els colors amb aquesta cançó. Clica a la imatge.-


Activity 2: Video “Peppa Pig Episodes – Learn the colours”.

Watch the video with Peppa Pig and repeat the colours. Click on the image.– Mira el vídeo i repeteix els colors. Clica a la imatge.-


Activity 3: Draw and paint. – Dibuixa i pinta.-

I want you to draw with your favourite colours. – Fes un dibuix i pinta’l amb els teus colors preferits.- 

The importance of drawing in your child's development


You can send me your pictures doing the activities to patriciagil@emarquina.cat. –Podeu enviar-me fotos fent les propostes a patriciagil@emarquina.cat.-

Have fun and enjoy!

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