English – 30 March-03 April Cicle Mitjà

Hello again! How are you?

I’ll share some activities for the week.

1. Practicing some language with Koalatext

Instructions here

Now your turn! (Ara el teu torn)

Grade 3

Grade 4

Can you record a similar video or audio record for me? Send it to my email, please!

2. Art time!

Look at these challenges:

Challenge yourself

  • Solve as many as you can. Dictionary here to help (busca Anglès-català al desplegable de diccionaris)
  • Send me 2 fun photos: 1) you doing one of the challenges  2) the final work of art.
    Send it by email, please!

(Soluciona’n tants com puguis. Envia’m 2 fotos divertides: 1) tu fent el repte 2) la teva obra d’art)

3. Meeting time

Wednesday, 1st April 2020, at 12:00pm we can meet in a videoconference. Click here and we’ll meet in Zoom.

I’m looking forward to see you!