ENGLISH THEATRE, “The Treasure Island”


          The students of 5th grade and 6th grade we went to see the
theatre of “The Treasure Island” on the 16th of January. The story is about Jim
Hawkins, a man who works in a pub. It was his mother’s pub. Jim doesn’t like
working in a pub. His dream is going on a sailing adventure. Jim has got a map
of a treasure island. Jim decides to go to treasure island, but he needs a
ship. He meets captain Long John Silver whos has got a ship but the captain
wants the treasure. When they arrive at treasure island Jim discovers that
captain is a pirate and wants to steal his map. Jim scapes with the map and
goes to find the clues that take him to the treasure. In the island Jim finds
Ben, an old man that helps him to find the treasure. Finally, Jim finds the
treasure and inside there is a paper saying that the treasure is in the pub. We
liked the theatre a lot and anjoyed so much!

 6th grade students

“…Els alumnes de 5è i 6è hem anat al teatre a veure
“L’illa del tresor”… L’obra tracta sobre Jim Hawkins… El seu somni és viure
una aventura en el mar… Al final, Jim troba el tresor… Ens ho hem passat
d’allò més bé…”

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