The landscape’s tales

Hi families!
This year the school project is about the scenery. Taking advantage of the closeness to Sant Jordi’s celebration, we decided to make a book working on the landscape theme. Each class wrote a story about an adventure that goes through different landscapes.
It has been a great experience. We learned a lot. We had a wonderful time thinking, creating and elaborating the story, the dialogues, and recording our voices.
It must be taken into account that the entire story and the texts have been prepared by the children and therefore at their level and, respecting their intentions as much as possible.
We hope you enjoy our stories as much as we do.

Hola famílies!
Enguany el projecte de l’escola tracta sobre el paisatge. Aprofitant la proximitat a la diada de Sant Jordi, vam decidir fer un llibre treballant la temàtica del projecte. Cada classe va escriure un conte sobre una aventura que va recorrent diferents paisatges.
Ha estat una gran experiència. Hem après molt. Ens ho hem passat genial pensant, creant i elaborant la història, els diàlegs i gravant les nostres veus.
Cal tenir en compte que tota la història i els textos han estat elaborats pels infants i, per tant, al seu nivell i respectant al màxim les seves intencions.
Esperem que gaudiu dels nostres contes tant com nosaltres.


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