Chess and Board Games!

Hello, families!

We started playing chess, and it has been so much fun! We have been reviewing (or introducing to some students) how to play chess. In this guessing game, we are the pieces and move around the board as they move.

With this activity, we have started the “Chess and Board Games” where we will not only play chess but also enjoy other board games.
We will certainly have a great time!

Here are some photos!

Hola, famílies!

Hem començat a jugar als escacs i ha estat molt divertit! Estem repassant o introduint, per a alguns alumnes, els moviments de les peces. En aquesta ocasió nosaltres som les peces i ens movem pel tauler com elles es mouen.

Amb aquesta activitat hem començat els “Escacs i Jocs de Taula” on, no només jugarem a escacs, també gaudirem d’altres jocs de taula.
No hi ha dubte que ho passarem genial!

Aquí teniu algunes fotos!

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