El Projecte d’aprenentatge Jardí Land segueix avançant i, amb ell, el projecte transversal d’anglès dels alumnes de 2n ESO del SIEI també. De manera que a continuació, ens expliquen en anglès els progressos realitzats;

Day four. Flowers

We bought some flowers from the shop. There were other flowers at the shop but we bought eight flowers in total.
The colors of the flowers are white, pink, yellow and green.
The flowers smell very good.

Day five. Throwing the trash

Alejandro, Dani and Joel are using big bags to the trash.
They are carrying the bags with a wagon.
The wagon is yellow and green.

Day six. Painting the Wall
Jose is painting the wall with a long stick.He is wearing a blue T-shirt and blue trousers and Black shoes.In the picture there is a tree and cabin of trash and there are some plants growing on the floor and in the sky there are some clouds.It is a beautiful day.

Day seven. Explanations
Victor is explaiding to Marouane how to paint the wall.
There are two girls arriving in the Garden Land.
They want to ask help to Elisa and Victor.