Viatge a Irlanda 3rESO

The students of 3rd of ESO are spending a few days in Ireland. Here you can see them waiting the fly to Dublin at the airportVIATGE IRLANDA 17626655_1375956925804928_7575672832913554205_n 17626145_1376952312372056_6644480019584685671_n 17626125_1376952442372043_6610330427891288598_n 17554553_1376153892451898_7994114275908653111_n 17523282_1378145432252744_7207859273171902206_n 17457963_1375956819138272_2638786960608794408_n 17426282_1378234355577185_2595154277202046907_n

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