Project Policy Statement

Erasmus+ is the European Union program that offers opportunities for all individuals across various educational fields and sectors.


The objective is to promote educational mobility for individuals and groups, including students and staff, as well as to foster cooperation, quality, inclusion, equity, excellence, creativity, and innovation within organizations and policies through lifelong learning. This program aims to facilitate educational, professional, and personal development within the realms of education and training, youth, and sport, both within Europe and beyond its borders. This endeavor contributes to sustainable growth, quality employment, and social cohesion, while also promoting innovation and strengthening European identity, active citizenship, and participation in democratic life.

Erasmus Policy Statement

La Bastida is a high school that offers Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), High School (Batxillerat), Vocational Education Training (VET) in the fields of Physical and Sports Activities, and Services to the Community. Additionally, we provide a Program of Training and Insertion (PFI) in Painting.

Through Erasmus+ projects, we are enhancing the experiences of our students, many of whom have not previously had the opportunity to travel and engage with other cultures. We are providing them with the chance to observe diverse cultural realities and lifestyles.

La Bastida is part of a network of intercultural organizations, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experiences with the European Business and Educational Community. This exchange has enabled us to solidify our pedagogical approach, emphasizing quality, best practices, and innovative teaching and learning methods.

This exchange also enables us to learn new strategies for addressing diversity and promoting values such as equality, non-discrimination, inclusion, and tolerance. Furthermore, it fosters community and international participation, enhances linguistic and digital skills, and advances environmental awareness and sustainability, which are essential for preserving the future.

ECHE Letter

Declaració de política Erasmus+

L’institut La Bastida és un centre de secundària on s’imparteixen ESO, Batxillerat i Cicles Formatius de Grau Mitjà i Superior de la família d’Activitats físiques i esportives i de Serveis a la comunitat. També s’imparteix el Programa de Formació i inserció (PFI) auxiliar de pintura

Amb els nostres projectes Erasmus+ estem millorant la situació d’un alumnat que en general no ha tingut l’oportunitat de viatjar i conèixer altres cultures. Els proporcionem l’oportunitat d’observar diferents realitats culturals i estils de vida

En La Bastida formem part d’una xarxa d’organitzacions interculturals, d’aquesta forma intercanviem coneixements i experiències amb la Comunitat Empresarial i Educativa Europea. Aquest intercanvi, ens permet consolidar la nostra línia pedagogia basada en la qualitat i bones pràctiques i en innovadores formes d’ensenyament i aprenentatge.

Ens permet conèixer noves maneres d’atendre la diversitat i de transmetre valors d’igualtat, no discriminació, inclusió i tolerància. Ens permet fomentar la participació comunitària i internacional, ampliar les competències lingüístiques i digitals i avançar en una perspectiva mediambiental, en el respecte per l’entorn i la sostenibilitat com a necessitat per a preservar el futur

Carta ECHE