“Spanish Families”

Students of 4th ESO have worked on the project ” Spanish Families “.
Check it out.

Healthy Xef

Divendres de la setmana passada, els alumnes de 1r d’ESO van acabar el primer projecte de STEAM. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte era cuinar un plat fred saludable, que havien de presentar al concurs Healthy Xef.
En aquest projecte, els alumnes han après la importància de dur una… Llegeix més»

Els superherois, capgrossos de l’any!

Els alumnes de l’optativa de VIP de quart d’ESO han treballat dos projectes al llarg del curs:

  • el primer projecte Capgrós de l’any! consisteix a fer una peça amb volum, tot treballant tècniques escultòriques com ara l’encolat i el paper maixé. Entre una de… Llegeix més»

Saint George Day

Ins Forat del Vent students and the English department wish you had a nice Saint George Day.

Brochures from Forat del Vent

Students of 2 BAT A have designed the following brochures from our High School, where you can see what we are offering in Forat del Vent.
Here you can see two examples done by Magda Moya and Claudia Barrio.
Have a look at them!!!


Describing feelings throug images is a good way to practise your English. This is an activity done by students of 1st BAT B.
Josie Soler

Living through a pandemia!

What students of INS FORAT DEL VENT are saying about living through a Pandemia.
This video shows how students are dealing with this unusual situation. What do they do to keep going. How are they coping with on line teaching.
They share their worries, their feelings, their… Llegeix més»

Supermarket in Cerdanyola

There are a lot of supermarkets in Cerdanyola, but we have chosen Aldi as an example.
This video has been made by a group of students of 4th ESO. It gives information about the supermarket. I hope you like it.