
So basically we did a lot of things today! We were excited about our Norwegian families and our homes for the upcoming days: houses are beautiful and big, all of them made of wood! We were finally rested and it was a long and interesting day! We attended the classes with our hosts and after that, every team introduced to the rest of the people its own country using a digital presentation. After that, we got a 15 min break all together! Afterwards, we when to the class and the teacher told us what we had scheduled for the day, like some icebreaker activities so we could get to know each other better, and also we did an activity where we had to create a slogan and a text about the environment, climate changes, etc., and our opinion. Although it had already been funny, the best was yet to come: we went up to the hill the rest of the morning to ski, slide, play and do some snowballs’ battle. We had a barbecue there as well (we still need to get used to have lunch at 11:00!). Teachers were hanging out and sliding or skiing with us, as well! It was really fun and we liked the way we interacted with each other and got to know everyone better. It was a great day at Hilstad school, we all really enjoyed it and we wish we’d had the opportunity to do this kind of activity more often like they do!

In the afternoon we met up with a bunch of other students and went to a community center where teenagers can freely hang out, play, swim and basically spend time together and have fun, which helped us to socialize even more than we expected.

The cherry on top of the cake was that going back home, one of us was super lucky and got to see the Northern Lights!!

(Shahmir, alumne de 1r de batxillerat).

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