OUR PENFRIENDS: amics per carta de Bèlgica

L’alumnat d’un agrupament de 1r ESO CDE participa en un projecte eTwinning aquest curs. El projecte consisteix, entre altres coses, en escriure i llegir cartes amb uns amics que hem fet a Bèlgica usant la llengua anglesa. Això és el que en pensen i han escrit per descriure-ho l’alumnat:

We are 1st of ESO CDE. We have penfriends in Bree, Belgium. We are writing and receiving letters. We are explaining things about our school and town. They are doing the same. We learned about their Christmas traditions, too. We hanged a poster in the school hall. The poster has their Christmas cards. We are enjoying writing and reading in English a lot! We love our penfriends in Belgium: Alicja, Alejandro, Lore, Franne, Silke and Zöe.

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