Let’s go deeper into sentences

Over this week, the 6th grade students have worked on a breakout during the  English lessons in order to establish the morphosyntactic basis of the sentence. We took the opportunity to work with the CLIL methodology within the same breakout by doing some math using the foreign language as means of communication. Moreover, we did a trivia quiz focused on general culture. The purpose is to transfer all tasks into small oral and written expressions. In that sense, we aid our pupils to reach the most accuracy through game based learning.

Al llarg d’aquesta setmana els alumnes de 6è han treballat un breakout durant l’hora d’anglès per tal d’establir les bases morfosintàctiques de l’oració. Hem aprofitat per treballar amb la metodologia CLIL dins el mateix breakout per fer una mica de mates en llengua estrangera.

La idea és traslladar totes les tasques en petites expressions orals i escrites.