Sugar activity finished

The 3rd course has finished the activity about sugar in Science! You can look at it in the hall of the school.

3r ha acabat l’activitat del sucre a Science! Podeu mirar-ho a l’entrada de l’escola.

Sugar in food

Today in the 3rd course we have started an activity about sugar. We have investigated how much sugar some food has, and it was surprising to discover the quantity! Remember that sugar is really bad for your health, so we’d better cut down on it! The activity will continue next week, we have a lot of work to do!


Avui a 3er hem començat una activitat sobre el sucre. Hem investigat la quantitat de sucre que tenen alguns aliments, i ha sigut sorprenent descobrir la quantitat! Recordeu que el sucre és molt dolent per la salut, així que és millor reduir-ho! L’activitat continuarà la setmana vinent, tenim molta feina a fer!