Durant el curs 22/23, de 3r a 6è de primària, hem tingut el plaer gaudir de l’Andrea, nativa dels EE.UU que ens ha vingut a fer d’auxiliar de conversa.

L’experiència ha sigut molt enriquidora, ja que a través de la conversa en llengua anglesa hem pogut gaudir d’activitats tan divertides i vivencials (storytelling, converses en petits grups…) com culturals, que ens han fet conèixer de primera mà la cultura dels EE.UU.


During the 22/23 course, from 3rd to 6th grade, we had the pleasure of enjoying Andrea, a native of the USA who came to be our language assistant.

The experience has been very enriching, since through the conversation in English we have been able to enjoy both fun and experiential activities (storytelling, conversations in small groups…) and cultural ones, which have made us know the culture of USA.