Celebrating the school’s English Week


Dear families,
As you already know, this week we are celebrating the school’s English Week, where the students from Cicle Mitjà and Cicle Superior are teaching songs, games and stories to our little ones from Infantil and Cicle Inicial. The whole school can enjoy these activities during Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday’s afternoon, so we can all get more in touch with English.

Benvolgudes famílies,
Com ja sabeu aquesta setmana estem fent l’English Week, on els alumnes de Cicle Mitjà i Cicle Superior ensenyen cançons, jocs i contes als petits de l’escola: a infantil i a Cicle Inicial. És així que les tardes de dimarts, dimecres i dijous tota l’escola gaudim d’aquestes activitats, per tal d’acostar-nos una mica a l’anglès.

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