ENGLISH- 6TH GRADE (first activities)

Hello Universe, Tsunami and Marina’s Class! How are you getting on? I’m really missing you and hope you’re all healthy and happy. It has been a while since we last were in touch. But…don’t worry because the situation will change. Now we are going to be connected!!

As you all know it’s time to stay at home but we can try to see the bride side of the situation and enjoy our families and the people around us. We can also use our imagination and find different activities to pass the time. It helps me a lot to set up a daily routine.


Do you want to know what am I doing these days?

When the school closed I took a train to Valencia because my family lives there. For these reason, I’m spending these days with my mother in our small town called Chiva.

I usually wake up at 8:00 am in the morning so I have enough time to eat breakfast and make my bed. Later I have to work online and prepare things for the school but I always find one hour in the morning for doing sport. At 14:00 my mother and I start cooking and we have lunch. We always watch the news because it’s important to be informed.

At 17:00 I work again and when it’s 20:00 we applaud health workers because they are doing an amazing job. After that, we read for one hour until we are hungry again and we prepare the dinner (around 21:00).

Finally we brush our teeth, we watch one chapter of our favourite series and we go to bed. We need to sleep and rest for the next day.

Després de llegir la meva rutina diària us proposo:



1. Escriviu la vostra rutina. Com esteu? Què esteu fent aquest dies? (Write between 40 and 50 words). Si voleu fer l’activitat i enviar-la al meu correu teniu fins al 27 d’Abril.

Alguns verbs que podeu utilitzar: wake up, get up, have a shower, have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, watch TV, read, brush my teeth, cook, write, paint, make video calls, do sport, play board games, go to bed…

2. Songs, series and films: Aprofiteu per escoltar cançons, sèries o pel·lícules en anglès amb els subtítols en català o en anglès.

3. Jocs/Activitats en línea: aquí teniu uns jocs en línea per a practicar vocabulari i gramàtica aptes per a tots els nivells.






Objectius de les activitats:

  • Treballar la comprensió i l’expressió escrita en llengua anglesa.
  • Desenvolupar la competència digital.
  • Consolidar la gramàtica i el vocabulari treballat prèviament a l’aula.


Si teniu qualsevol dubte o pregunta, contacteu amb mi: maria.escoladelboscrubi@gmail.com

Hugs and kisses for everyone! Stay strong!


3 comentaris

    1. Maria Romero

      Hola Lesther! Que bé! Clar que farem més. Recorda que pots enviar-me la teva rutina per e-mail. Una abraçada molt forta :)!

  1. Maria Romero

    Hola Lesther! Que bé! Clar que farem moltes més. Recorda que pots enviar-me la teva rutina al e-mail. Una abraçada molt forta!

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