Last Friday the Dinosaurs class had so much fun doing an amazing workshop!
We made SNOW!!
Everything started with a dialogue about winter and how cold these last few days were. After that we proposed to the class to make snow and… There we went!
First we mixed up 2 parts of baking soda with 1 part water. We kept adding the same measurements until we got the texture that we were looking for!
After that we created our own sculptures! We had so much fun experimenting, creating and learning!
Do you want to see the process?

El passat divendres la classe dels dinosaures vam fer un taller ben divertit! VAM FER NEU!!!
Tot va començar amb un diàleg sobre l’hivern i el fred que feia aquests últims dies. A partir d’aquí va sorgir la proposta de fer neu i… Ho vam intentar!
Primer, vam barrejar 2 parts de bicarbonat amb 1 d’aigua, vam continuar afegint aquestes mesures fins que vam aconseguir la textura desitjada.
Després vam imaginar i crear les nostres escultures! Ens ho vam passar d’allò més bé experimentant, creant i aprenent! Voleu veure el procés?

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