Halloween at school

During these days we’ve been celebrating Halloween in all grades. We have carved pumpkins and we also put a candle inside for looking for Jack O’lantern it was terrifying!!
Moreover, we have done different Halloween crafts as pumpkin masks, mummies, skeletons, Halloween games… and we have… Llegeix més»

Easter at school

This week we have been celebrating Easter at school in all grades. We’ve decorated Easter eggs and we did an “Easter Egg Hunt” in the playground. We have enjoyed a lot! HAPPY EASTER!!!
Aquesta setmana hem estat celebrant la Pasqua a tots els nivells de l’escola… Llegeix més»

Halloween at school

Last week we have been celebrating Halloween in all classes. We have learnt Halloween vocabulary, we’ve carved a pumpkin and we saw Jack O’ Lantern!! Some groups prepared a little Halloween craft that they could take home.
What a terrific and fun week we had! Happy… Llegeix més»

English Day at school

Last friday, 10th June, we have celebrated our Englsih Day. A native teacher did different storytellings in English for all grades. After that, 6th grade student performed the theatre play “Pritty Ritty”.
We’ve enjoyed a lot and practised English!!
El passat 10 de juny, hem celebrat el… Llegeix més»