Listen, think, experience, create, speak, act, play, have fun and LEARN!

Els alumnes de quart ja hem acabat el trimestre i us voliem mostrar activitats que hem fet, tot desenvolupant les nostres capacitats i respectant, en tot moment, els diferents ritmes d’aprenentatge.

Cal passar-s’ho bé per aprendre, cal estar engrescats davant de la feina i superar-nos cada dia, perquè tot@s estem caminant endavant i amb pas ferm.

Hem escoltat, pensat, experimentat, creat, parlat, actuat, jugat i ens ho hem passat molt bé mentres apreníem.
Tot en llengua anglesa, usant les noves tecnologíes i amb molt bon humor.


Fourth graders have already finished the term and we wanted to show you activities we have done, developing our skills and respecting, at all times, the different learning rhythms.

We have to have fun to learn, we have to be enthusiastic about work and overcome ourselves every day, because we are all moving forward and with a firm step.

We listened, thought, experienced, created, talked, acted, played and had a great time while learning.
All in English, using new technologies and in a very good mood.







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