Let’s listen, let’s understand!


Sixth graders, in English classes, we listen, we speak, we sing, we read and we write in English.
We work competently and actively, step by step, without stopping, creating a good and strong base.
Here we are in our language lab, working on the listening competence from the British Council.

All of us following our pace and level of learning.

Always ahead!

Els alumnes de sisè, a les classes d’anglès, escoltem, parlem, cantem, llegim i escrivim en llengua anglesa.
Treballem de manera competencial i de manera activa, pas a pas, creant una bona i ferma base.
Aquí ens mostrem en el nostre laboratori de llengües, treballant la competencia en “listening” des del British Council. Tots i totes seguint el nostre nivell i ritme d’aprenentatge.

Sempre endavant!

6th level classes


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