My present

El pensament crític com a eina per entendre a la resta i al món.

Els alumnes de 4rt, 5è i 6è han portat a terme una activitat a Taller oral en llengua anglesa, on, cadascú, al seu nivell, ha escollit un regal rebut per festes, per tal de potenciar-lo i justificar perquè ha estat aquest l’escollit i poder donar una opinió convincent des del seu punt de vista.

Què és? Com és? Per a què serveix? La meva opinió.

Els projectes s’han anat a exposar en diferents classes de l’escola per tal de compartir els diferents punts de vista i opinions.

Hem creat la base per poder parlar de qualsevol objecte, mostrar i compartir un pensament crític davant els iguals.


Critical thinking as a tool for understanding others and the world.

The 4th, 5th and 6th grade students took part in an oral workshop in English, where everyone, at their level, chose a gift received at holidays o at any tim , in order to enhance it and justify why this has been the chosen one and to be able to give a convincing opinion from its point of view.

What is it? How is it? What is it for? My opinion.

The projects have been exposed in different classes of the school in order to share the different points of view and opinions. We have created the basis to talk about any object, to show and to share critical thinking with equals.



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