“In one sky 2C” Kahoot

We are advancing in the STEAM methodological approach, which guarantees the development of a transversal knowledge.
Science, technology, creativity, critical thinking and the English language go hand in hand in learning, within this activity.
Sixth-graders, as part of the European etwinning project “In one sky 2C” – Climate change – of which the school has been a part since the spring of this year, have created a Kahoot: a platform for creating quizzes or quiz games .
It is a tool that seeks to be able to learn by playing with it.
We created a quiz with four answers, where only one is correct. There are also some true or false questions.
Students from the 22 European schools in the project will be able to play and learn.
Let’s go! Let’s play! Let’s learn!


Avancem en l’enfocament metodològic STEAM, el qual garantitza un desenvolupament d’un coneixement transversal.
Science, technology, creativity, esperit crític i llengua anglesa es donen la mà en l’aprenentatge, dins d’aquesta activitat.
Els alumnes de sisè, dins del projecte europeu etwinning “In one sky 2C”- Canvi climàtic- del que forma part l’escola des de la primavera d’aquest any, han creat un Kahoot: una plataforma per tal de crear qüestionaris educatius.
És una eina que busca poder aprendre jugant amb ella.
Hem creat un qüestionari amb quatre respostes, on només una és la correcta. També hi ha alguna pregunta de cert o fals.
Els alumnes de les 22 escoles europees integrants del projecte, podran jugar tot aprenen.
Let’s go! Let’s play! Let’s learn!

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