Let’s do sunflowers!


This time our protagonist has been the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh.

The 6th graders students have researched the life and works of the artist and have been motivated to perform one of his most famous works, “The sunflowers”.

We share with you the images of their pieces of art in which they have used collage and painting techniques to create the work.




Aquesta vegada el nostre protagonista a l’àrea d’Arts and Crafts ha sigut l’artista neerlandès Vincent van Gogh.

L’alumnat de 6è ha fet una recerca sobrela vida i obres de l’artista i s’han omplert de motivació per llençar-se a representar una de les seves obres més conegudes, “Els gira-sols”. 

Us deixem imatges de les seves representacions on han utilitzat tècniques de collage i pintura per crear l’obra.