Let’s learn about Frida Kahlo!


The 5th graders have discovered one of the most famous and feminist artists and icons of the 20th century, the Mexican Frida Kahlo.

Based on the artist’s wide range of self-portrait works, we have identified the different elements of its representations and we have imitated them by painting in the classroom. In this way we have been able to enter into her peculiar world and enjoy it.



Les i els alumnes de 5è hem descobert una de les més famoses artistes i icona feminista del segle XX, la mexicana Frida Kahlo. 

A partir del gran ventall d’obres d’autoretrats de l’artista hem identificat els diferents elements propis de les seves representacions i les hem imitat amb pintura a l’aula. D’aquesta manera ens hem pogut endinsar dins del seu peculiar món i gaudir-ho.