Al llarg d’aquest tercer trimestre hem fet un treball sobre l’Antic Egipte en anglès. Els nens i les nenes us han escrit aquest text per explicar-vos el que han fet i presentar-vos la feina que han dut a terme.

This year the 5th-grade boys and girls have studied Ancient Egypt from home. First, we did a PowerPoint presentation slide by slide. Each week we included one or two new slides. We received instructions and two tutorials to do them.

This is the index of our PowerPoint presentation.

  • Egypt’s location on a world map.
  • Ancient Egypt in the timeline.
  • Ancient Egypt social pyramid.
  • New vocabulary.
  • Hieroglyphic. We wrote our names!

After this, everyone chose a topic to work on (mummies, papyrus, Egyptian gods, the Nile River,  pyramids, hieroglyphic…) and made a video, a photo, or a PowerPoint presentation about it.

Here you have our videos and a little movie with some of our final results.

We hope you enjoy it!!!!

Cliqueu a l’enllaç si voleu veure tots els vídeos: ANCIENT EGYPT

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