World Mental Health Day (10th October)

El 10 d’octubre va ser el dia Mundial de la Salut Mental i el grup d’Anglès 3M ho va treballar a l’aula perquè cal sensibilitzar-nos sobre els trastorns mentals que patim, lluitar contra l’estigma que pateixen les persones afectades i impulsar iniciatives que en millorin l’atenció.

La salut mental i el benestar emocional està relacionat amb com ens sentim, pensem o actuem en el nostre dia a dia. Tenir una bona salut mental és tenir equilibri a la vida quotidiana; així que no es pot tenir un bon estat de salut en general sense una bona salut mental.

Aquestes són reflexions de l’alumnat:

  • We must fight against the stigma of mental illness and seek for help when it is needed, just as we would do with any physical illness.
  • We don’t think how important is to have a good mental health until someone near us has these problems.
  • In my opinion, these diseases must be treated individually.
  • Are we prepared to help people who suffer from mental illness? I don’t think so because there is a lack of social and health resources to respond to this demand. We need to be aware of the problem and act.
  • It is necessary to identify and make decisions about our personal needs: – listen to your body, -accept reality, -avoid excessive efforts, -enjoy everyday activities, -give and receive affection, -have empathy, -worry about the affected person; listen to him/her and talk about the disease.
  • In class, we read an article and discussed about the topic. I learned that one in four people have some kind of mental illness so it is needed to talk about it and this will help us to understand and support affected people better.
  • In my job, I saw many people more worried about emotional than about physical illnesses. I started doing wellness workshops and I saw that people were very grateful to have a space to discuss and share their emotional issues.
  • Take care of your emotional well-being.

World Mental Health Day: Activities to Celebrate in 2023 and Beyond

4 comentaris

  1. Elo

    Jo crec que s’hauria d’impulsar la impartició de classes de salut mental i meditació ja a escoles, per fomentar l’autoestima i prevenir aquest tipus de problemes.

    Conec un cas proper d’intent de suïcidi per bullying.

  2. Marga

    Let’s be careful with judgments about mental illness. Any of us can suffer from a mental illness during our lifetime. Nobody is exempt from suffering them. If you can help, help, and if you can’t at least don’t judge.

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