RUTA 8M: ADONA’T!  (Thursday, 9th March 2023)

The English students prepared a guide tour around Mollet to celebrate, learn and talk about women. 

They have found that there are 11 streets in Mollet with names of women and that there are some other places or sculptures related to them, too, like; C.C Joana Barcala, la Garriganga and la dona d’aigua. They have also worked with the names of streets related to women’s jobs such as: Les teixidores, les brodadores…

Let’s work and walk!!!


Congratulations for your effort during the sessions, you did a great job in and out the school!


1 comentari

  1. Francisco Álvarez Martínez

    Algunas de las imágenes tomadas durante el recorrido que realizamos estudiantes y profesoras de English, por las calles de Mollet, en la denominada “Ruta Adona’t”; en homenaje a la mujer trabajadora.
    Totalmente implicados (como no podía ser de otra manera) y creo que hicimos entre todos un muy buen trabajo.

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