Hi there!

We are really excited! Today we have received the visit of some players of U.E. Santboiana at our school!

We are doing the sports&language project. We have concluded that English is the most important language of the world and we use it to communicate to each other. For that reason, we wanted to practice and improve our english asking questions and making a real interview to some Rugby players of U.E. Santboiana.

The interview has been a really success! And, for our surprise, they have invited us to go and watch them during a Rugby match at their stadium! We couldn’t be happier!


Here there are some photos of the event.


Thanks for coming to our school, we have enjoyed a lot!

See you soon!

2 comentaris

  1. Anna Berral Ramírez

    És una activitat molt interessant que ajuda als nens i nenes a adonar-se de la importància de les llengües a la nostra vida….
    A més a més de ser una activitat motivadora i engrescadora… Felicitats!

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