El Pot Petit venen a l’escola!!!

Enguany tindrem un meravellós concert a l’escola a càrrec del grup EL POT PETIT. Serà el divendres 29 de maig al matí.

Es tracta d’un concert adreçat als i les alumnes de tota l’Educació Infantil i també al Cicle Inicial de Primària.
Ja estem practicant les cançons… Llegeix més»

6th-C- Digital posters

Hi everyone,
Sixth grade students have been doing a team task during 3 sessions.
Each group have created a poster through a digital platform called Genially. They have added images, gifts and labels in order to customize their productions and learn some vocabulary about different topics in… Llegeix més»

6th-A – Digital posters

Hi everyone,
Sixth grade students have been doing a team task during 3 sessions.
Each group have created a poster through a digital platform called Genially. They have added images, gifts and labels in order to customize their productions and learn some vocabulary about different topics in… Llegeix més»

6th B- Digital posters

Hi everyone,
Sixth grade students have been doing a team task during 3 sessions.
Each group have created a poster through a digital platform called Genially. They have added images, gifts and labels in order to customize their productions and learn some vocabulary about different topics in… Llegeix més»