Radio Vinyes!!!

Welcome to Pla de les Vinyes Radio!
Aquest curs hem tornat a emprendre el projecte de la Radio del Pla de les Vinyes, que des de l’1 d’octubre sona a la nostra escola al voltant de les 9:05 hores, informant-nos del temps, les novetats del dia,… Llegeix més»

Sofa, film & blanket!

Hi there Cicle Superior Pupils!
We have 4 fantastic free days, and your English teacher thought that it would be a really good idea if you enjoy family time watching a film… in ENGLISH!
You can choose the film, it has to be appropriate for your age… Llegeix més»

Let’s English!

Hi there everybody & welcome back!
We have charged all our batteries and we are here again to rock this course!
Pupils in P4&P5 have started their English routines. We are learning different songs to get ready and we want you to practice them with your children… Llegeix més»

English Theatre | 4th level

Hi lovely espectators!
The last week pupils in 4th level did the most expected theatre plays in English. Almost during the whole course we were practising dialogues, scenes, movements,… And now we are happy to announce you that our plays were fantastic! We were so excited… Llegeix més»


Hello everybody!
All the children of 1st grade have been preparing two plays of theatre during the last months: “The enormous Carrot” and “Where is my baby?”.
Both the Dinosaurs and the Octopuses have enjoyed it a lot and have also worked hard because it has been… Llegeix més»

Your Symbaloo opinion!

Write down your Symbaloo comments. Here you have some questions that you can answer to give your opinion about the learning path.
Do you like the learning paths of Symbaloo? Why?
Do you like that way of studying? Why?
Is it difficult for you? Or easy?
Do you like working… Llegeix més»