Halloween in 6th grade

This week we are starting a new project about movies and cinema. To celebrate Halloween we’ve watched Corpse Bride by Tim Burton in original version.

We’ve carried out in a cineforum speaking about the story, the film production and Tim Burton’s movies style. We also paid attention to the music, so that in the music class the students enjoyed the auditions of some of the songs.

After watching the movie, we’ll learn how to do a movie review and at the end of the project the student will become critics to create their own movie review.

Happy Halloween!! Remember to follow the local regulations to prevent Coronavirus these days!

By the way… What’s your favourite Halloween movie? Leave a comment!

Halloween activities 4th grade

Hi families!! During this week 4th students have celebrated Halloween in the English class. We’ve read the lovely story of MEG and MOG by Helen Nicoll and illustrated by Jan Pieńkowski. We also practised very actively vocabulary in pairs, we explained our costumes, enjoyed some interactive activities on the screen and played quizzes.  We had a spooky Halloween!!

Happy Halloween and stay safe at home!

Halloween in 5th grade

During this week we have been celebrating Halloween in the English class. The story “Room on the broom” by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler has been the guiding thread this year.

First we did a storytelling, and then, we organized 4 Halloween stations with a variety of activities like quizzes, crafts, ordering sequences of the story and board games. Students and teachers had a great time!!

Have a spooky Halloween!! And stay safe at home!

Anglès a P3

L’alumnat de P3 ja ha començat les classes d’anglès. Tenen lloc cada dilluns (P3A) i cada divendres (P3B) al matí. Els infants aprenen a través d’històries, cançons i jocs. Aquí teniu una petita 

mostra de fotos.

Durant aquestes setmanes estem treballant al voltant dels contes: Owl’s family i Goldilocks and the three bears. (si feu clic a sobre, veureu el vídeo)


Us animo a mirar-los a casa, a explicar-los a les vostres famílies i a cantar les següents cançons.

Daddy finger, baby shark, the wheels on the bus 


The English teacher: Lídia

Building Footpaths. Projecte “Camins” in Psychomotricity class

In Psychomotricity class P3 students have built their own footpaths using diferent materials and objects: hoops, signals, blocks, strings… In groups they were following the tracks practising diferent movements: walking, hopping, imitating animals, swimming… always in time to the music!

Seguint amb el projecte d’aula “Camins”, a la classe de psicomotricitat els nens i nenes de P3 han construït els seus camins amb diferents materials i objectes: cercles, senyals, blocs, cordes… Per groups, han anat seguint els recorreguts amb diferents moviments: caminant, saltant, imitant animals, nedant…sempre al ritme de la música!