Easter Egg Hunt in P5B! ?

Hello! Today in the morning students of P5B have played in groups in the playground looking for Easter Eggs, classyfing them and completing a graph. They had a lot of fun!  😀

Hola! Avui al matí els alumnes de P5B han jugat en grups buscant ous de pasqua per tot el pati. Els han hagut de classificar i completar una gràfica. Ho han passat molt bé! 😀

Have a look at the photos! / Mireu les fotos!:


Easter Egg Hunt in P5A!?

Hello! Today in the afternoon students of P5A have played in groups in the playground looking for Easter Eggs, classyfing them and completing a graph. They had a lot of fun!  😀

Hola! Avui a la tarda els alumnes de P5A han jugat en grups buscant ous de pasqua per tot el pati. Els han hagut de classificar i completar una gràfica. Ho han passat molt bé! 😀

Have a look at the photos! / Mireu les fotos!:


DENIP al Guerau

Avui, en motiu de la celebració del dia de la Pau i la no violència, a l’escola hem fet diverses activitats per reflexionar com volem el nostre Món.

Aquí teniu una petita mostra.

I like English, I don’t like boring activities!

Boys and girls from 4th grade are involved in an international eTwinning project. They shared likes and dislikes with the school from Greece. This is the result of their work: they explain what the students from Greece like and dislike in this digital book.


Book titled 'Greek students'Read this book made on StoryJumper