By Judit,Pau and Xènia

Last weekend in Frigolet’s school a mysterious animal killed the hens. We think that the animal is a wild cat.

He made a hole in the hen’s house fence. At lunch time one of the CI students found the hens killed. The hen’s house had feathers everywhere. We are very sad!


By Joan,Aina and Abril

In Frigolet’s school we had two hens and a rooster, but Paulo today realized that the hens had been killed.

We think that a wild cat can be the killer because we saw a hole under the hen’s house fence.

The hens were gut and there were lots of feathers all around.

Joan-Oh! I’m sorry because I’m late for football

Aina – I’m very sad!

Abril- I’m very sad because I loved the hens.


By Lluc,Martí and Hèlios

Last weekend in Frigolet’s school , the hens and the rooster were killed by a wild cat.

The wild cat dig a hole in the hen’s house fence because he was very hungry.

We are very sad!


By Aitana,Paula,Roc and Rai

Last weekend someone had killed one rooster and two hens in Frigolet’s school. We think that the killer can be a wild cat. Today we realized about one hole under the hen’s house door.

The hen’s house is full of feathers, now the hens and rooster are killed. We are very sad!

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