Halloween by Balti5

This year we have celebrated Halloween doing a white chocolate ghost and other funny activities. We love Halloween in the English class. Different culture and different traditions.

Click the image to go to the album

Egg Hunt!

The 3altis celebrating Easter playing the tradicional game : Egg hunt in our fantastic playground.
Clica a la imatge per accedir a tot l’àlbum

Coconut Jamaican Cake

The 6th Baltis are very professional chefs. They are studying Jamaica and they have done a typical recipe of this country, using coconut as the main ingredient to make a cake.
click to go to the album

Anglès des de casa

Benvolgudes famílies,
Us recordem que teniu disponibles a la web de l’editorial Macmillan, alguns recursos per seguir treballant l’anglès des de casa, paral·lelament amb el que fem a l’escola.
Per entrar-hi, heu de fer el seguent: