On March 17, we went to Castellolí school “Les Passeres” to celebrate The English Day that was about a very famous party in Ireland called St. Patrik’s day.

When we arrived there the English teachers made a small introduction of the day. Later we sang a song called ” The little leprechaun ́ ́ in the physical education class. A leprechaun is a small person who dressed in green and he loves money. For this reason he hides a pot of gold at the end of the Rainbow. After singing we had breakfast and we had fun. Then we did some traps to catch the leprechaun. Once we had all the traps done, we learnt things about Ireland culture and we saw the typical Irish dances. Finally we had lunch and then we presented our traps in front of our mates. Then we went to la Brillante and we danced Irish dances. To finish we said goodbye and we went to the bus and we went back to Maians.

We spent a wonderful day full of activities and we had fun with our friends!

Jana Cabello, 6th grade.

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