4t ESO: Teatre en anglès

Els alumnes de 4t d’ESO van gaudir el dia 2 de maig de l’obra de teatre “The Horror Show” en anglès, de Blue Mango. La companyia va portar en escena, de manera entretinguda, obres clàssiques de terror de la època victoriana com ara Frankenstein de Mary Shelley, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde de R. L. Stevenson, i Dracula de Bram Stocker, una experiència terrorífica!!!

To celebrate Mary Shelley’s brilliant novel Frankenstein, written 200 years ago, Blue Mango Theatre brings this and other Victorian horror classics, such as Dracula and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to the stage, making them accessible and entertaining for teen audiences. Three young people, lost and caught in a thunderstorm seek reuge in an abandoned castle. Inspired by the books, they decide to re-enact each horror story in turn. But when things start to go wrong, who will help them then…?

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