Teatre en anglès. Snow White.


Els alumnes de cicle mitjà i cicle superior de la ZER Poblet vam anar a Montblanc i a l’Espluga de Francolí on vam passar una estona molt divertida veient “Snow White”.

A continuació podeu veure l’entrevista imaginària que li hem fet a la Queen Esmeralda.

Hello this is the  interview of “The Mornings”. Now we let’s interview Queen Esmeralda, a big aplause please!!!


Journalist: Hello! Where are you from?

Queen Esmeralda: Hello! I’m from Barcelona and I live in a big palace

Journalist: Ok.  Do you have any servant?

Queen Esmeralda: Yes, I have. She’s called Snow White but she scaped of my palace and now she lives with a prince…

Journalist: What are your hobbies?

Queen Esmeralda: I like to do potions, ha ha ha!!!

Journalist: How old are you?

Queen Esmeralda: Oooo, this is a secret.

Journalist: Do you like apples?

Queen Esmeralda: Yes, I love apples hi, hi, hi….

Journalist: Ok here we finish the interview, thank you!!!




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