Colònies CDA Valls d’Àneu! CM i CS

Del 23 al 25 d’abril l’alumnat de CM i CS de la ZER vam estar al camp d’aprenentatge Valls d’Àneu a Esterri d’Àneu.
Vam començar amb l’activitat d’orientació i la visita de la casa de l’ós a Isil amb temperatures molt baixes i NEU!
L’endemà, vam pujar… Llegeix més»


Last Wednesday, 8th May we celebrated the 1st ENGLISH DAY from the ZERs of SEGRIÀ. It took place in Sudanell, and we gathered all the children from 4th grade of Primary rural schools. We were so excited to make possible an event like this, which was full of different activities all in English such as games based on Olympic sports and cultural activities too. We had the valuable opportunity to experience a taste of Scottish culture by learning ‘Ceilidh’group dances and folk songs with David Vivanco. We also had a bagpipe demonstration.

The main goal of this meeting was for our kids to socialize among them, speak in English in an English immersion environment and have fun. It was quite a success! We had a wonderful day filled with joy, smiles and laughter.




Chess and Board Games!

Hello, families!
We started playing chess, and it has been so much fun! We have been reviewing (or introducing to some students) how to play chess. In this guessing game, we are the pieces and move around the board as they move.
With this activity, we… Llegeix més»


We are thrilled to present to you an exciting video where our students (CS) engage in oral communication, sharing personal information about themselves, their families, hobbies, and interests. This presentation allows us to get to know them better and appreciate their diversity. We invite… Llegeix més»


El darrer trimestre és un dels més animats en l’Àrea d’Educació Física de la ZER per les activitats que realitzem amb bicicleta. Els alumnes s’inicien en l’ús més bàsic de conducció de la bicicleta i acaben realitzant una sortida més o menys llarga segons el… Llegeix més»